
Showing posts from May, 2019

The Storytellers - Episode 020: Geri Guadagno

Geraldine Guadagno has written articles and books for children and adults, including Irene the Elephant and 5 Steps to Facing Suffering, also published by New City Press. She is the author of the book "John of Smiles. This is the story of a 5-year-old boy with cancer who brought a ray of sunshine into the lives of people around him. John seemed to have an innate understanding of and ability to love. Those qualities endeared him to many, and were the driving force behind the worldwide spread of his story. Like all stories of heroes facing impossible odds, it deserves telling and retelling.

The Storytellers - Episode 019: Deacon Greg Kandra

Beloved author Deacon Greg Kandra knows all too well what it is to be busy. Drawing from his own experience, and those of fellow Catholics, and the saints lives, Deacon Kandra helps us realize the importance of prayer and offers practical tips for making it a part of each day. Prayer includes regular participation in the Sacraments (Mass, Confession) but is also about a constant communication with God and a way to plan our day each morning and evaluate our progress each evening.

The Storytellers - Episode 018: Dawn Eden Goldstein

Love and beauty . From when she was a little girl, Dawn Eden Goldstein knew she wanted those things that in them, somehow, she would find God. But her life s search led her away from the temples of her childhood Judaism to the music clubs of Greenwich Village, where she became an acolyte of a new religion: rock & roll. Over the years she earned renown as a rock critic and historian, moving among some of popular music's biggest names, all the while straining to capture that transcendent love and beauty in their every note and lyric. Yet her longing only deepened; the hole in her heart only grew. God s voice was calling her, but first she needed ears to hear. In Sunday Will Never Be the Same , Goldstein ( The Thrill of the Chaste ) recounts her spiritual journey in beautifully wrought detail, mixing powerful accounts of trauma, healing, and epiphany with funny and poignant anecdotes from inside the music scene. It is the rare conversion story that delights as it inspires, amu...

The Storytellers - Episode 017: Kendra Von Esh

I don't need God ... Or Do I?   Kendra Von Esh was a corporate executive who had it all—high powered job, prestige, summer home, and fantastic family, friends and social life. She didn’t need God, nor did she have time for Him. When she decided to get in shape and “cleanse” her body, she realized that she sorely lacked in the “spirituality” department. She thought about going back to the Catholic Church but was conflicted because she didn’t know much about the faith. She wasn’t going to church at all, didn’t agree with most of its teachings, and certainly wasn’t ready to change her lifestyle. But she decided to go anyway and what she found changed her life forever…. Join Kendra as she recounts the struggles, triumphs and “God-incidences” that paved her way from the back pew to a state of grace, peace, and joy that can only come from the Catholic Church and a personal relationship with God.